90% Scaled football field, Overall length and width are 108 yds x 144 ft. Distance between each 10 "yards" is only 9 real yards, endzones are 8 yards deep.
Age-appropriate for kids ages 13-14.
Includes markings for all yard lines and goal lines.
Scaled football fields are the best way to teach kids real football and football rules on an appropriately sized playing area, maintaining the essence of 4-down football.
Existing chains are easily downsized to 9 yards with a simple carabiner.
Goal lines sold separately.

90% Scaled football field, Overall length and width are 108 yds x 144 ft. Distance between each 10 "yards" is only 9 real yards, endzones are 8 yards deep.
Age-appropriate for kids ages 13-14.
Includes markings for all yard lines and goal lines.
Scaled football fields are the best way to teach kids real football and football rules on an appropriately sized playing area, maintaining the essence of 4-down football.
Existing chains are easily downsized to 9 yards with a simple carabiner.
Goal lines sold separately.