RIGHT-SIZED Youth Football Fields
Our production methodology allows us to scale fields down to age appropriate field sizes, maintaining length & width ratios. The "yards" are shortened, but there are still 10 "yards" printed on the sidelines. The concept of "2nd down & 6", "3rd & 2" etc is maintained. You teach real football rules, not some modified version. You shorten the yardage chains, and have more fun.
Kids should not be playing on adult-sized fields!
PDF Flyer for Board Meetings
RIGHT-SIZED Youth Football Fields
Our production methodology allows us to scale fields down to age appropriate field sizes, maintaining length & width ratios. The "yards" are shortened, but there are still 10 "yards" printed on the sidelines. The concept of "2nd down & 6", "3rd & 2" etc is maintained. You teach real football rules, not some modified version. You shorten the yardage chains, and have more fun.