A standard Rugby field perimeter 70x100 Meters not including the In Goal size. (In Goal Lines purchase separately), 2 inch White. The field perimeter includes markings for In Goal, 5m lines, 22m lines, 10m lines, and Halfway line. Choose In Goal areas from the drop-down, available in sizes of 10 or 15. The standard size of a rugby field is 70 x 100 meters but the total perimeter size will be based on the 'In Goal' area selected.
Example: Selecting a 10 meter in goal area, the total perimeter dimensions will be 70 x 120 meters (100 + 10 + 10 = 120 meters).
10 Meter In Goal Area:
Playing Area: 100 meters
In Goal Size: 10 meters
Total Length: 120 meters
Total Perimeter Size: 70m X 120m
15 Meter End Goal Area:
Playing Area: 100 meters
In Goal Size: 15 meters
Total Length: 130 meters
Total Perimeter Size: 70m X 130m

A standard Rugby field perimeter 70x100 Meters not including the In Goal size. (In Goal Lines purchase separately), 2 inch White. The field perimeter includes markings for In Goal, 5m lines, 22m lines, 10m lines, and Halfway line. Choose In Goal areas from the drop-down, available in sizes of 10 or 15. The standard size of a rugby field is 70 x 100 meters but the total perimeter size will be based on the 'In Goal' area selected.
Example: Selecting a 10 meter in goal area, the total perimeter dimensions will be 70 x 120 meters (100 + 10 + 10 = 120 meters).
10 Meter In Goal Area:
Playing Area: 100 meters
In Goal Size: 10 meters
Total Length: 120 meters
Total Perimeter Size: 70m X 120m
15 Meter End Goal Area:
Playing Area: 100 meters
In Goal Size: 15 meters
Total Length: 130 meters
Total Perimeter Size: 70m X 130m