Port-a-Field - Portable Athletic Field lining Systems
"Necessity is the Mother of Invention"
In 1993, our founder was volunteered to coach his son's U5 soccer team. He quickly realized that cones and imaginary lines were near useless. The kids could not imagine the imaginary lines. To solve the problem, he began outlining a small field with string, and practices instantly became much
more organized
and fun.
In 2002, just before launching Port-a-Field.com he entered and won a nationwide invention contest. He was awarded the Hammacher Schlemmer Inventor's award in the Recreation Division for Port-a-Field. The product began shipping in 2003 and we have now been making and selling the best quality and most versatile portable athletic field lining systems in the world for over 16 years!
Our Fields are Patented and Award Winning!
Click on the About Our Fields link to learn more about our product design!